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Send an email when a case is created using Powe Automate Flow / Cloud Flow – Microsoft Dynamics CRM/CE

August 13, 2023

Use Power Automate Flow to send an email in outlook when a record is created, we can send an email using the outlook connector.

  • We have a requirement, that when a case is created and if the case title contains DVMSKE, then send an email in outlook to the owner of the case.
  • We will create an automated cloud flow, which will trigger when a new case is created.


  • Navigate to .
  • Create a Flow

    First, create an Instant cloud flow.

    On the left side of your dashboard, click on the My flows and then click on the “+New Flow” button, and select “Instant Cloud Flows” which is under New Flow
  • Click on skip button.
  • Click on untitled and give the name to your flow.
  • Select the dataverse connector ”
    When a row is added, modified or deleted.
  • Change type should be “added”.
  • Table name will cases.
  • Scope as organization.

Click on “new step”, select connector as “microsoft datverse” and action as “get a record by id”.

  • Select table name as “cases”.
  • Row id should the “case”(unique identifier from the trigger body action).

Get the owner record – Click on add new step. Select Dataverse as connector and select get a row by id action.

  • In the table name select “users“.
  • In the row id select “Ownervalue(from get a recod by id)

Condition to check Case title contains DVMSKE- Click on Add new step. Select connector as control and action as condition.

  • Choose Case Title (from get a case by id).
  • Operator as contains.
  • Value as DVMSKE.

Send the email in outlook- In the yes block click on add an action. Search for office365 outlook connector. And select the send an email(V2) action.

  •  In To select Primary email from get a row id2
  • In Subject add the subject you want to add for email
  • In the body add the body of the email
  • In From select who is sending the email, I select my dvmske id.

Click on Save.


Created a case.

  • Owner is Anurag Tyagi.
  • Case title is “DVMSKE case“.
  • Click on save.

Email will send from to owner of case (here owner is only me that’s why sending to me).

anurag Tyagi